Jan 11, 2014

Quarter 2 Recap

It's hard to believe it's JANUARY and the start of a brand new quarter. We had many fun and memorable learning experiences this past quarter. Here are a few…

Isaac and London practice 
"Read to Someone" on the iPad. 

Jacob and Amya "Listen to Reading."

Hooray! Cooler weather has arrived… 
and it's recess time!

Parker having fun at recess!

We learned step-by-step how to draw a turkey
and responded with a sentence about our turkey.
Adrianna's turkey is yummy!

We reached our "Read to Self" goal of 15 minutes!!!
So of course we had to celebrate with a reading stamina party!
We read in the dark with finger lights and glow stick pointers!

Gavin and Susie practice "Read to Someone"
at our reading stamina party!

Just before the holiday break we read 
Olive, The Other Reindeer. At the end of the story, 
Olive (the dog) received her very own set of 
reindeer antlers from Santa for doing 
such a great job guiding his sleigh. 
My little friends and I 
made our own reindeer antlers! :)


And we had "Reindeer Floats" for snack!

With the arrival of quarter 3 we have had to say good-bye to some of our friends, but hello to new ones as well! I am looking forward to a great second half of the school year! Keep checking back for class news and updates. 

Mrs. Barinas